Uncontested Flat Rate Divorce

If you are looking for an uncontested flat rate divorce, we make it easy! We offer low flat rate fees on uncontested divorce (where the parties have reached an agreement as to the resolution of the case.) 

Fees for uncontested divorce start at only $695 plus costs for a case without children, or $895 plus costs for a case with children. Costs usually consist of the filing fee, which is $149 in St. Louis County or $132 in St. Charles County. For a case with children, both parties will also have to take the state required on-line parenting class, which is approximately $60 per person.

Necessary meetings can be done over the phone to save a trip to the office (of course, if you would like to meet in person, we can do that too). And since usually an uncontested divorce does not require a court appearance and case filing can be done electronically, your uncontested divorce will proceed efficiently. Call or e-mail for details!